Elizabeth Chadwick's newet novel follows the story of two incredible and very different women. Matilda is the daughter of England's Henry I and after an unfortunate shipwreck becomes his heir. However, in a time when women were consider nothing more than chattel she is forced to fight for her right to the crown. Adeliza is Henry I's second wife. Though a dutiful queen she is unable to fulfill her primary duty by producing an heir to the throne. The two women form a bond that nothing, not even a bloody struggle for the Crown.
The contrast between the two women is striking. Matilda is full of fire, letting her feelings rule her and cursed with an unhappy family life with an abusive, unfaithful husband and three beloved sons she is separated from in her quest for the Crown. Adeliza on the other hand is much more fragile and less fiery. Her second marriage brings her great happiness and finally, children to warm her heart. Yet both women share an unyielding devotion to justice and duty above all.
Courtesy of Elizabeth Chadwick |